Where to Donate Your Kids Olds Toys
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The average Aussie spends about $500 each year on Christmas presents. For most parents, the vast majority of that would probably go on the kids, so you potentially have thousands of dollars of perfectly good toys lying around your house that your children have grown out of, or just no longer play with.
Rather than let them gather dust or dump them on the verge, why not select the best and donate them to some of the fabulous Perth charities who will make sure they find their way into new homes.
Charities such as Save The Children, Anglicare, Red Cross, The Salvos and Vinnies run programs that redistribute toys as well as selling them at their op-shops – either way, the toys you donate will help kids and families whose Christmas might not have resembled the ‘average’.
There is a fantastic website called opshop.org which list the 144 op shops across Perth – from as far north as Two Rocks, all the way down to Port Kennedy. You can search for op shops by suburb or post code, to ensure that your donation helps your local community.
Every op shop in Perth has its address, phone number and opening times listed, and you can also see the nearest op shops and how far away they are.
If in doubt, you can always call in advance to see if they accept donations of toys and books and where and when to deliver them. Many shops will close over the Christmas period, and re-open in early January.
If you have some new toys that your kids never unpacked,
click here for an article on places that will accept new toy donations.
Essential Information
#charities And Donations
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