Top Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Perth Entertainment Book

Top Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Perth Entertainment Book

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Posted 2020-02-14 by Suefollow
Planning on getting a Perth Entertainment Book? Here are some handy hints for you!

Have you ever purchased an Entertainment Book? You may have seen them either online, or have seen the bulky book full of perforated vouchers and they are usually used as fundraisers for schools, clubs and groups.

I have had one for the past three years, so have certainly learnt some advantages and disadvantages of purchasing one. At $70-odd dollars a pop, is it actually worth it?

Well, as mentioned, I have had one for three years in a row, so I think it is great value, but there are things to remember and you do have to be organised, especially if you purchase the book. Here are some top tips, along with the various advantages and disadvantages.

Online or physical book: which one is better?

Neither is better than the other, it all depends on your preference. I have had both the Entertainment App and the book. The book is HUGE. It is heavy, bulky to carry around and if you leave it at home, there’s no savings. On the other hand, I love having a physical book to look through, tear out the vouchers I want to use, and put them aside or just keep them in the car or in my handbag.

The App was really handy to have on my phone: you can search under the different sections, each by location and even mark venues as favourites, which are all great. Unfortunately I often forgot to look to see if a place I was at was listed in it! I left a number of restaurants, only to check later if they were in listed in the Entertainment App and realised I had missed out on savings! Saying that, it’s easy to do with the book too!

Whereas your phone is lots of things with lots of apps and I often forgot the app was there, the book serves a purpose purely and solely to save you money, plus I keep it in my car and have even handed out vouchers I know full well I will never use, to friends, so for me the physical book has been the winner. But everyone is different and has different preferences, so be sure to always think about what suits you and your family best!

My girls enjoying some time at Bounce Inc, with savings thanks to the Entertainment Book.

Organisation is the key

If you want to get your money’s worth and save back your $75-ish dollars in savings, you will need to do a bit of planning!

Over the summer holidays, I picked out the places in the Entertainment Book I wanted to take the kids to, including Scitech, Inflatable World, Cockburn Ice Arena, Bounce Inc and a couple of play centres, and planned the days we would go.

While my dad is visiting from overseas, I will use it to save money on coffees or lunches while we are out and about doing touristy things, but the idea is to be organised to get the most out of the book.

Share the cost

I mentioned earlier than I gave my Entertainment Book to friends to flick through and take vouchers, as they live in different areas to me, so why not share the love? If you can’t justify paying $75 for the book, why not share one with family or friends? There’s bound to be places you want to go and your friends don’t and vice versa, and it makes the savings even better!

’Try’ before you buy

Ok so it’s not actually trying the book, but my daughter’s primary school gave parents a copy of the book to look through to see if they wanted one. Of course, everyone could opt not to receive one in the first place, and there was no obligation to keep it, but why not take the opportunity to have a look through and see if it is something your family can use?

Two’s company….

One thing to remember about the Entertainment Book: two is company, three is a crowd! I have noticed that with a lot of the offers, especially casual dining, the voucher is a ‘buy one, get one free’ type deal. Not ideal if you have an odd number of children or adults. For example, play centres tend to offer 2-for-1 entry deals. Takeaway venues like to offer 2-for-1 coffees, burgers or meals.

Some do offer a percentage off your bill, but the 2-for-1 is a big feature of the book. Still, paying for 3 children to go into a play centre for the price of 2 is saving, regardless!

Fun times at Scitech!

Remember it’s a way to raise funds for a cause you may care about

At the end of the day, the Entertainment Book is a fundraiser for your child’s school, class, club or group, so not only are you giving them money for the stuff they need, but you are also going to save some money yourself!

Don't forget, it's not just about the kids!

The Entertainment Book has lots of options for Perth’s more upmarket restaurants, and generally offer a percentage off the bill, so it is a good idea to have a look through and make a date night based on what’s in the book.

My family and I love going to High Tea, so the book has also come in handy for saving money at C Restaurant and The Atrium at Burswood, just to name a couple.

In summary

The way I look at it, I’ve contributed to my daughter’s school/dance class for the things they need - even if it is just a small amount - and I’ve saved money when taking my kids to the places we would be going to anyway. To get the most out of it though, you need to be organised, remember you have the App on your phone and keep the book in your car or somewhere you will see it on a regular basis!

It is probably not for everyone, but personally I love saving money as much as I can, so it has been a good investment for our family.

To read more about the Entertainment Book, read on here .

#eating Out With Kids
#indoor Activities
#outdoor Activities

[INTRO I have had an Entertainment book for the past three years, so have certainly learnt some advantages and disadvantages of purchasing one. At $70-odd dollars a pop, is it actually worth it? ]

44532 - 2022-03-17 12:38:16


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