The Day My Vagina Broke: What they don't tell you about childbirth

The Day My Vagina Broke: What they don't tell you about childbirth

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Posted 2019-10-24 by Suefollow
A book about healing, hope and help for others after a traumatic childbirth.

As mums, we do a lot of suffering in silence. So many aspects of childbirth, pregnancy and motherhood are taboo, so we hide our pain, our tears and simply soldier on without ever uttering a word about it.

The Day My Vagina Broke – What they don’t tell you about childbirth is a book that aims to break the silence on the taboo around childbirth and traumatic birth, and encourage women to feel supported and inspired as they heal.


Telling the story of author Stephanie Thompson’s own traumatic childbirth and healing process, The Day My Vagina Broke – What they don’t tell you about childbirth is raw, real and tells readers exactly what happened.

Pre-order your copy now!

To help get this book to print, it needs your support by pre-ordering your copy today. There are only 100 early release copies available until Sunday 27th October. You can order yours today here .

The book is for mummas-to-be and mummas everywhere - to help them speak openly and honestly so they are better informed to make the right decisions for their birth, AND have the best outcomes for both bub and mumma.

It is is written not to scare women, but rather to help them know, what they don’t know. It is for all the mummas out there who have had similar experiences and are broken too.

But mostly, it is for Stephanie’s daughter Elsie, so she never has to go through what Stephanie did.

Mum of two Stephanie has also started the ‘Bravemumma platform’ for women to feel supported and inspired in how they see themselves as mummas. You can read Stephanie’s story below.

With only 100 early release copies available until Sunday 27th October, order your copy today here .

Bravemumma - Steph’s Story

In January 2015, I received the best news of my life. I was pregnant. It took around five years of trying after cancer treatment and finally we were having a tiny little baby of our own.

My pregnancy went well, overall. I was diagnosed with early gestational diabetes and was able to manage it with a special diet and exercise.

Other than that it was love for nine months. I rubbed my bump from the very beginning, every single day. I imagined what this little baby would look like every single day.

We wanted the best birthing experience and immersed ourselves in very calm, natural antenatal classes, did yoga, listened to podcasts and read all the birthing books. We loved the idea of ‘breathing the baby down’ in a calm and relaxed environment. We thought - we’ve got this.

It was only when my baby ‘got stuck’ during labour…then we were stuck. We were not equipped with the knowledge or understanding to be able to make any informed decisions about what could have happened next.

We let the professionals do what they told us needed to be done. We were only ever focused on meeting our baby girl. And lucky for us, we did! She is the most amazing little girl we could have ever wished for.

She is now a happy and healthy (threenager). The part of the story that has never been told, until now, is the damage this birth did to me and my body. I suffered injuries that have changed my life and body forever.

Want to read more? Order your copy today at .

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