Take-A-Stand Bully Prevention Program

Take-A-Stand Bully Prevention Program

Facebook Group

Posted 2017-09-27 by Suefollow

Sat 07 Oct 2017

Bullying, intimidation and conflict are things that all children encounter in one form or another. Children may struggle with being called names, being picked upon, being excluded, not knowing how to make friends – perhaps they are the ones acting unkindly or aggressively towards others.

The Take-A-Stand Bully Prevention program is a three hour workshop aimed at teaching children aged 6 to 11 years how to identify what a bully is and recognise bullying behaviour.

The program will be held at Clarkson Library on Saturday, 7th October from 9:30am to 12:30pm and will teach children the following:

• Identifying what a bully is
• Recognising the behaviour of children who bully
• Elements of effective communication
• Recognising bullying and their feelings as an observer
• Recognising bullying behaviours in themselves
• Learning how to apologise
• Learning the concept that words can hurt
• Emphasising the right they have to tell someone
• Role-Play

As children learn by doing, these workshops are hands on and will use role-playing to walk through situations and behaviours and practice different responses to conflicts and bullying. Role-playing turns the concept into a skill that is learned in the "muscles" and will never be forgotten.

All forms of bullying are abusive, yet are opportunities to teach children how to get along, how to be considerate and how to be part of a community or group. Children who are not bullied:
• Tend to have better conflict management skills
• Usually have better social skills
• Are more willing to assert themselves about differences without being aggressive or confronting
• Suggest compromises and alternate solutions
• Tend to be more aware of people's feelings
• Are typically the children who can be most helpful in resolving disputes and assisting other children to get help

With only 10 kids per program, space is limited. The three hour program per child is $45, or $95 per child for the Advocate Package, which includes the three hour program, child workbook, pen, wristband and T-shirt.

WHEN:Saturday, 7th October 2017 from 9:30am to 12:30pm
WHERE: Clarkson Library, Corner Ebb Way and Ocean Keys Boulevard, Clarkson
For more information: Visit here

#northern Suburbs

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