Just trying something different.
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We are in the process of interviewing with casting agencies over east for our 3 and a bit old daughter.
All parents think their children are the most beautiful human beings in earth; we are just attempting something a bit different and are curious to see how it would pan out.
Would any families have feedback about agencies? Once you've paid the marketing fees, would you have contracts often? If so, how was the pay for each contract? We would just like to know if the fees would be paid back quickly.
Also, is being from Perth a disadvantage?
We will in no way pressure our daughter; or take advantage of her. If she was to make some money; it'll all go to her own bank account that we set up for her at birth. She's in a loving, balanced and supportive family 💖
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45177 - 2022-03-17 12:40:07