JOGG Midwives - Exclusive Public & Private Midwifery Care

JOGG Midwives - Exclusive Public & Private Midwifery Care

Facebook Group

Posted 2025-01-15 by Vanessafollow

Passionate Midwives, Empowering Women of Today

A few words from Laura Millar the creator of the Midwifery Led Care programme at JOGG.

It can be stressful deciding on the type of care you want during your transition to parenthood. Becoming a parent is a life changing event, you feel the effects of this transition both emotionally and physically.

You need to feel comfortable with your lead maternity carer and their team, not only in their level of obstetric competency but also in their ability to provide emotional support and empowerment, ensuring you start this next chapter of your life with the utmost confidence.

I created this programme after working for the maternity system in Western Australia for over ten years. Throughout this time, I frequently observed women wanting continuity of care. Women are beginning to see the benefits of having an intimate relationship with her team in the birthsuite, embracing the art and science of maternity care that midwifery led care brings.

For women who have private health insurance having your own consultant obstetrician that you know and trust if an intervention arises is also very re-assuring - hence my collaboration with Mike Kamara and the creation of the Midwifery Led Care programme at the Private side of Joondalup Hospital. You will also have the option to have your antenatal midwife in birth suite with you providing birth support. This means having continuity of care throughout your pregnancy with your midwife, but also the one-on-one support during your birth and the immediate postnatal period.

I am very proud to introduce this model of care to the Western Australian maternity system.

- Laura Millar
Registered (endorsed) Midwife

If you decide that the MLC programme at JOGG would suit you and your family, below is a brief outline of what this type of care entails.

Midwifery Led Care (Private)
  • All your appointments with your own midwife throughout your pregnancy and for 6 weeks after the birth of your baby
  • You see your own consultant obstetrician at specific time points in your pregnancy
  • Your obstetrician and your midwife will be at your birth

  • Midwifery Led Care (Public)
  • You have your appointments with your own midwife throughout your pregnancy and for 6 weeks after the birth of your baby.
  • You see the public hospitals obstetricians at specific time points
  • You deliver with the public hospital midwives / obstetricians

  • The Midwifery Led Care (MLC) programme is a perfect example of collaborative care for both private and public women. Where midwives and obstetricians work together, utilising their specialities and providing you with comprehensive, woman focused care.

    Benefits of Midwifery Led Care
  • Longer appointments (if needed)
  • 24 hour support from your midwife
  • Advocacy
  • Continuity of care
  • Extended postnatal care

  • Joondalup Private Hospital,
    Joondalup Private Hospital, Level 1, Suite 8

    Phone: +61-08 6244 6279 (if you would prefer to speak directly to a midwife leave a message for Laura Millar 040 6000 441 and she will call you back).

    Follow JOGG Midwives on  Facebook.

    300890 - 2025-01-10 03:10:32


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