Gidgestock Music Festival 2018 - Gidgegannup
Facebook Group
Sat 13 Oct 2018 - Sun 14 Oct 2018
Gidgestock Music Festival is bringing some of the best local music Perth has to offer to the beautiful hills of Gidgegannup, for this family-friendly, fund-raising festival. Experience a natural amphitheatre bush setting, live bands, campfires, rustic camping and dancing under the stars, then wake to the call of the kookaburras on Sunday morning for more fabulous music and a hearty cooked breakfast.
All profits from the Gidgestock Music Festival are donated to the West Gidgegannup Volunteer Fire Service and the Leukaemia Foundation.
COST: General entry $50, Teenager $10, Child 12 and under free
WHEN: Saturday 13th of October until Sunday 14th of October, 2018
WHERE: 64 Treechange Rise, Gidgegannup
MORE INFO: Click Here
#family Friendly
#live Music
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