Donate Back-To-School Essentials at Cockburn Gateway
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A fantastic initiative to provide disadvantaged schoolchildren with basic, essential school supplies.
As you shop for back-to-school essentials for the kids this week, spare a thought for the disadvantaged Perth families who will struggle to afford the same basic items for their children.
Many Perth families are doing it tough, and back to school time means new school clothes, stationary, books and more. It’s a time of year that can really stretch the budget. You can help, however!
In partnership with local charity AYLA ( Assisting Your Life To Achieve) Cockburn Gateway has set up a drop-off zone where you can leave donations of back-to-school essentials. These donations will be used to help local disadvantaged families with schoolchildren headed back to school next week.
Donations can include backpacks, pens, pencils, notebooks, library bags - anything that is suitable for school students is greatly appreciated. Why not pick up an extra pack of pens or notebooks as you shop and pop them in the drop-off zone? Easy!
The drop zone will be outside Kathmandu until Sunday, 3 February.
Even the smallest donation can make a big difference to a Perth family struggling to make ends meet as school returns.
#charities and Donations
#school Age Kids
#older Kids
[INTRO In partnership with local charity AYLA, Cockburn Gateway has set up a drop-off zone where you can leave donations of back-to-school essentials for disadvantaged families.]
43988 - 2022-03-17 12:35:52